Out of my mind by Sharon Draper is a book novel about an 11 year old girl called melody who faces a life of Cerebral palsy and she goes through a lot of things that is hard and she can’t talk or move her body until she gets a Meditalker…
Just because she has a disability that doesn’t mean you can’t be the smartest person because in this book she is really smart. So she tries to get in the quiz kids team did she get in? Read in for your self to find out.
There are other people in the book like her family little sister penny, mum, dad and there best family friend Violet Velencia AKA Mrs.Velencia. Melody has a very strong relationship with those people.
She also has a relationship with her teacher Mrs.Shannon, a pear called Catherine and school friends like rose. But she faces these two bullies called Molly and Claire they make fun of her because she is disabled which is very mean, but Melody doesn’t give up on fitting in.
Melody is very courageous, resilient and has a very strong imagination. When she listens to music she thinks of different colours like when she is sad she thinks of gray when she is happy she thinks of yellow and when she is angry she thinks of red.
She gets embarrassed when other look at her when she eats so that’s why she gets fed and and sometimes in class she just kicks with her feet and screams imagine if that was you it would be pretty embarrassing. This book is a great book it was a page turner I just couldn’t let go of it I recommend this book for 10 and over.